Random questions when I'm bored..

1. How old are you?

2. Are you happy with your life as a whole?
It's okay

3. Are you single or taken?

4. How long have you been with your significant other?
8 months

5. Biggest life lesson learned this year?
People around you, even the closest ones, do not always know what's best for you..

6. Do you know what you want to do with your life career wise?

7. Do you know who you want to marry?
Haha yes :D

8. Are you still in school?

9. Do you still live with your parents?
When I'm in Sweden, yes. In Egypt, no.

10. Where do you work?
Nowhere :(

11. Is this year better than the previous 5?
Umm, it's a tough question, every year is different ofcourse. But yes, I would say this year feels better.

12. Have you ‘found’ yourself?
Starting to!

13. Highlight of your year?
To quit all medications :)

14. Would you change anything about this year if you could?

15. Rate you life right now on a scale of 1-10:
Hmm.. 6!

1. You were given a million dollars right now?
You have no idea haha! Would probably go insane hahaha

2. You got pregnant?
Omg I don't even want to think about that

3. You could only eat one food for the rest of your life?
That would be kinda boring, huh.. But would choose cucumber if so :D

5. Your boyfriend cheated on you?
Don't really want to think about that either haha?

6. You had one day to live?

7. Your best guyfriend told you that they love you?
My best guyfriend does love me and I know it :) Not in a romantic way though haha.

1. Say “I love you” in as many languages as you can:
Jag älskar dig, ben seni seviyorum, dooset daram, kocham cie, volim te, Ich liebe dich, Mina rakastan sinua, Je t'aime, Te amo, Ya tebya liubliu.. Yeah I think that's it :p

2. What do you like in your coffee?
Cream & sugar

3. How have you changed in the past year?
Oh I've changed alot. I'm much more healthier and more positive now.

4. How much have you given up for the person you love?
I would say, very much! Practically everything.

5. What books are on your summer reading list?
Wuthering heights

6. What would you change about your life if you could?
I would just like to change these past 3 months and NOT get on that plane from Cairo to Copenhagen.

7. Who are you most proud of and why?
Myself, because I'm awesome? No, I guess my sister. Because she's awesome, too.

Me and my sis at Disneyland Paris two years ago..


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